What is Alusti Test
Alusti Test is a new functional assessmet scale, validated, by which we are able to measure the physical performance of the geriatric population.
JOSU ALUSTIZA NAVARRO is a physiotherapist who designed the Alusti Test and Alusti Test short version. Josu Alustiza works in Josefina Arregui Psychogeriatric Clinic in Alsasua.
Geriatric people hospitalized in Josefina Arregui Psychogeriatric Clinic improved their health and functional capacity after hospitalization.
However,we weren´t able to measure this functional improvement with the scales used daily.Their physical and cognitive bad situation avoid us to measure it.
For this reason,Josu Alustiza designed Alusti Test and Alusti Test short version,and consequently, now we are able to evalue the functional capacy of the whole geriatric population.
After have validated the Alusti Test, our main purpose is to make it known to the scientific community. Therefore, health professionals will measure correctly the functional capacity of the older people.
Alusti Test is having a very good welcome from the health professionals who know it.They have started using it in different hospitals nationally and internationally.